Sometimes we come across measurements where we need to know how many teaspoons are in a cup. Knowing the exact conversions between them helps us determine the correct numbers or values to understand the answers to such questions.
There are many conversions to check out on my blog, and I would love to update with more of them and help you with easy calculations. Check out some of them below.
- how many teaspoons in an ounce
- how many sticks of butter in a cup
- how many ounces in a tablespoon
- how many grams in a tablespoon

Where do we see these measurements?
These are non-metric units primarily used in countries such as the United States to measure volume.
They are mainly units to measure the volume in US customary measurement system.
Not only cups and teaspoons, but the US also uses tablespoons, quarts, gallons, and pints to measure the volume of different substances, mainly liquids.
We often encounter these conversions in cooking recipes, baking, or while measuring medicines in the pharmaceutical field.
Knowing their conversions helps us quickly understand the difference between teaspoons and cups.
Sometimes the recipe ingredients can be mentioned in teaspoons; understanding them in cups is essential and vice versa.
We may fill an ingredient in a cup, but we do not know how many teaspoons it holds, and in such cases, the calculations or formulas in the post are beneficial and can make cooking easier with simple techniques.
What is a teaspoon?
A teaspoon is used to measure the volume of small quantities and is a customary US volume measurement.
The rest of the countries follow the metric system, and only a few instances can see these ways of measuring other than the United States.
A teaspoon is usually smaller than a tablespoon and holds less volume when compared to a tablespoon. It is ⅓ of a tablespoon, or a tablespoon equals three teaspoons.
Teaspoon uses abbreviations such as t, ts, tsp, or tspn, where all the letters are lowercase.
1 US teaspoon in metric = 4.92 ml.
In nutrition labelings, the number 4.92 ml is rounded and mentioned as a whole, that is,
1 teaspoon = 5 ml (as per US nutrition labels)
Also, 1 teaspoon = ⅓ of a tablespoon
1 Imperial teaspoon in metric = 5.919 ml
Imperial teaspoons hold more liquid as these teaspoons are more significant than US customary teaspoons or standard teaspoons used for cooking.
What is a cup?
A cup is also used to measure the volume in US customary measurement system.
A cup holds more volume than a tablespoon or a teaspoon and is used to store more liquid or any ingredient in more quantity than just a teaspoon or a tablespoon.
The symbol representing or denoting a cup is “c.”
1 US cup = 236.58 ml in metric or ~ 237 ml.
The above measure is standard US measurement, but the milliliters slightly vary in nutrition labeling and round to 240 ml to make calculations easier for everyone, that is,
1 US Legal Cup = 240 ml in metric (in nutrition labels).
1 Imperial cup = 284.1 milliliters.
1 metric cup = 250 ml.
The cups and teaspoons are primarily used in the US. In contrast, the other countries that mainly follow metrics use milliliters and liters to show the volume and do not use cups.
Relationship between a cup and a teaspoon?
The question now comes here how many teaspoons is a cup? The answer is that 1 cup equals 48 teaspoons.
1 US cup = 48 US tsp.
The above answer now makes it easy for us to calculate US teaspoons for any number of cups.
Let us learn it using a formula:
Teaspoons = cups * 48.
Check out the examples below.
How many teaspoons are in ¼ cup?
Using the formula to calculate, we get
¼ * 48 = 12 teaspoons.
How many teaspoons in ⅓ cup?
⅓ * 48 = 16 teaspoons.
How many teaspoons in ½ cup?
Using the formula, cups = teaspoons * 46, we get,
½ cup = ½ * 48 = 24 teaspoons.
Cups to teaspoons: Multiply any cup value by 48 to get the number of teaspoons.
tsp = cups * 48
A cup holds 48 teaspoons, a ½ cup holds 24 teaspoons, a ¼ cup or quarter cup holds 12 teaspoons and ⅓ cup holds 16 teaspoons.
The above data we mention is if we follow standard US cups measurements, and this data changes if you follow Imperial cups to teaspoons, that is,
1 Imperial cup = 57.6 US teaspoons
If using an Imperial cup, multiply the cup value by 57.6 to get the number of US teaspoons for an Imperial cup measurement.
Usually, a US cup is used while cooking and measuring; therefore, following the calculations based on a US cup and teaspoons makes your work easy.
Let us check some more values using a date table below that shows cups to teaspoons and tablespoons and their metric values.
Table to convert cups to teaspoons
US Cup | US Teaspoons | US Tablespoons | Fluid Ounces |
⅛ cup | 6 teaspoons | 2 tablespoons | 1 fl. oz |
¼ cup | 12 teaspoons | 4 tablespoons | 2 fl. oz |
½ cup | 24 teaspoons | 8 tablespoons | 4 fl. oz |
¾ cup | 36 teaspoons | 12 tablespoons | 6 fl. oz |
1 cup | 48 teaspoons | 16 tablespoons | 8 fl. oz |
1 ¼ cup | 60 teaspoons | 20 tablespoons | 10 fl. oz |
1 ½ cup | 72 teaspoons | 24 tablespoons | 12 fl. oz |
1 ¾ cup | 84 teaspoons | 28 tablespoons | 14 fl. oz |
2 cups | 96 teaspoons | 32 tablespoons | 16 fl. oz |
2.5 cups | 120 teaspoons | 40 tablespoons | 20 fl. oz |
3 cups | 144 teaspoons | 48 tablespoons | 24 fl. oz. |
The above data is to convert US cups to US teaspoons and, in the same way, multiply any cup value by 48 to get the resulting teaspoon value.
Cups to teaspoons in different systems
1 US Cup = 48 US tsp
1 Metric cup = 50 tsp
1 Imperial cup = 57.6 US teaspoon or 48 Imperial tsp.
How many cups are in a teaspoon?
To calculate the number of cups for a given teaspoon, knowing the relationship between a teaspoon and a cup is important; that is,
1 US teaspoon = 0.0208333 US cup.
1 US teaspoon = 1/48 US cup.
Using this, we can calculate values for any number of teaspoons to cups.
Multiply the number of teaspoons with the value 0.02083 to get the resulting value in cups.
For example,
Use the formula as cups = teaspoons * 0.02083
divide teaspoons / 48 to make the calculations easy.
For example, using the formula to get the cup value for 3 teaspoons,
we get
3 /48 = 0.0625 cups.
For 6 teaspoons, we get
6/48 = ⅛ cup.
Check the table below for different teaspoon values.
Tsp to Cups: Divide the teaspoon's value by 48 to get the number of cups.
Cups = teaspoons/48
Table to convert teaspoons to cups
US Teaspoons | US Cups | US Teaspoons | US Cups |
1 teaspoon | 0.02083 cup | 24 | 0.5 cup or ½ cup |
2 teaspoons | 0.0416 cup | 28 | 0.5833 cup |
3 teaspoons | 0.0625 cup | 30 | 0.625 cup |
4 teaspoons | 0.0833 cup | 32 | 0.6666 cup |
5 teaspoons | 0.1041 cup | 36 | 0.75 cup or ¾ cup |
6 teaspoons | 0.125 cup or ⅛ cup | 40 | 0.8333 cup |
10 teaspoons | 0.2083 cup | 42 | 0.8749 cup |
12 teaspoons | 0.25 cup or ¼ cup | 44 | 0.9166 cup |
20 teaspoons | 0.4166 cups | 48 | 1 cup |
Frequently asked questions
A cup of sugar consists of 48 teaspoons.
One cup of butter equals 48 teaspoons.
1 cup of water equals 48 teaspoons.
12 teaspoons equal to ¼ cup.
24 teaspoons equal ½ cup.
16 teaspoons make ⅓ cup.
In conclusion, and simple words, 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml, and 1 cup equals 48 teaspoons and 16 tablespoons.
Also, 1 US cup equals 8 fluid ounces, equal to 236.58 ml in metrics, and this cup measurement is commonly used in kitchens in the United States. In nutrition labellings 1 US legal cup = 240 ml.
In most countries where the metric system is used, they use 1 cup equivalent to 250 ml.
Generally, metric system countries follow milliliters and liters to measure the volume.
Lastly, to get the value for cups to teaspoons, multiply the cup value by 48. To get teaspoons to cups, divide the cup value by 48.
I hope this makes the calculations easy, and I hope you can solve your values by using this post, simple mathematics, and simple formulas.
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