The Aloe vera juice recipe is a healthy drink made using the gel or flesh of the aloe vera leaf. Nowadays, it is a sought-after juice worldwide.
This aloe drink or water can benefit weight loss goals in the long run. The blog also offers a spinach juice recipe with similar health benefits.

Another interesting green juice recipe on the blog is celery juice for weight loss.
What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is a bright green leafy plant with big leaves and white flesh inside the leaf.
The leaf must be peeled to use the flesh, and then the flesh or gel must be extracted.
The extracted flesh is then used for various purposes. Its gel is made and used to treat many health issues, skin, hair, and beauty, and it is also used internally as a juice or gel.
How do we use Aloe Vera Gel or Juice?
Aloe vera gel is nothing but the flesh inside the aloe vera leaf. It is crushed or blended well to extract the gel, which is used internally and externally.
Aloe Vera Juice is the diluted form of the gel, which is mixed or combined with water and then consumed by adding ginger flavor, honey flavor, or lemon flavor, which is said to have a lot of health benefits.
- It has many health benefits for hair, such as applying freshly extracted aloe vera gel on hair, making your hair shiny and smooth, and preventing hair loss.
- It lowers blood sugar levels and benefits the heart with its regular consumption.
- Aloe vera helps treat stomach-related problems such as constipation and promotes proper digestion, keeping weight in check.
- Aloe vera is becoming very popular for treating beauty-related issues such as sunburns. The sunburns will lighten if the gel is applied regularly to the affected area.
- It also keeps your skin fresh and glowing if aloe vera is applied to the face regularly.
- Aloe vera keeps the skin and body hydrated if the juice is consumed mainly in summer...
- While consuming the drink occasionally is pleasing, taking heavy doses of the juice or the gel can cause serious health issues.
How to make Aloe Vera juice?
- Just take a single long leaf and peel the leaf's skin with a peeler or a knife.
- Extract the gel out with a spoon.
- Blend the gel by mixing some water until there are no lumps.
- Mix honey lemon extract or grated ginger, which could even aid in weight loss...
- Drink on an empty stomach or after meals, but not too often.
- Making an aloe vera juice recipe is simple and easy, but we must carefully handle the leaf. While peeling, the leaf is very slippery and tends to slip from the hands.
- Make small chunks of the gel after peeling the leaf, which makes the juice blending easier.
The best way to consume aloe vera
- The best option is to mix the chunks of gel with the drinks, juices, or smoothies while blending. Drinking fresh aloe vera juice is challenging, as it tastes slightly bitter and unique.
- The other option is to add honey and lemon extract, which makes it consumable, and also, the taste turns sweeter due to honey.
- For best results, consume it on an empty stomach, but any time of the day, such as after meals, is also a good option.
There is also a video of this particular recipe in this post to help make it practical.
This article is just about making aloe vera juice, and one must consult a doctor before using it.
It is always better to consume after a doctor's advice and should not be consumed with underlying health issues or during pregnancy without a doctor's consent.
The uses mentioned are purely based on the various sources of information available on aloe vera, which have not yet been proven.
They are mentioned only as general information and for informational purposes.
Recipe Procedure
Below are the step-by-step details on making this aloe vera juice for weight loss and good health; it can be consumed fresh and not consumed after storing for a long time as it can become toxic.
Check out the recipe for making fresh aloe vera juice. Below are the video details on how to make the simple aloe vera drink.
Step-by-step procedure
Extracting of the gel from the leaf:
- Use two gel leaves. The leaves have to be big enough and not too small.
- Take the leaves in your hand. Cut off the ends and apply them to the skin without discarding them. Do not use the yellow liquid as it is very harmful.
- Take a knife or a peeler and peel the skin off the leaf from one end to the other. Remove the entire skin of the leaf from all sides.
- Also, remove the skin of the front and back sections, and only the gel should remain. Remove or peel the skin from all sides.
- The leftover white part is the actual flesh or gel we use. Do not use aloe latex or the whole leaf with skin. Always use aloe vera without skin externally or internally.
- Cut the gel into small cubes with the help of a knife.
Making of the juice:
- Take a blending jar and add the gel cubes of aloe vera.
- Add some water. Just add a little to help the juice blend well. Use any juice or smoothie blender to blend or make.
- Blend the juice for at least two to three minutes; it should be without lumps. The juice should appear frothy without lumps.
- Pour the fresh juice into a glass.
- Add lemon extract and honey, and stir well(optional). The juice tastes slightly bitter, and adding honey would help consume the drink, but it is optional.
- Consume the drink fresh and immediately. Not storing is the best advice; consuming fresh yields better results.
- Add cubes to make a chilled drink, or add while blending.
NOTE: Always seek medical advice before consuming the drink for any health issues or internal body-related problems, as the information provided here is general and not provided by any medical expert.
How and when should this drink be used to lose weight?
It can be used before meals, mainly breakfast, and not in high doses. Just consume two tablespoons or a very small cup weekly twice or thrice, but seek doctors' advice before using it for weight loss.
It gives better results and is also said to aid in weight loss. For more such drinks, check out apple cider vinegar to lose weight.
What other benefits does it give?
It improves digestion, helps reduce sugar levels internally, and promotes weight loss.
When it comes to external benefits, it is a tremendous and miraculous ingredient that can be applied to the skin externally, reducing spots, pigmentation, sunburns, etc.
It has many healing properties if applied externally. The aloe vera gel at home, which I have shared on the blog, works wonders for external applications.
When should we consume the drink, and can we drink it regularly?
Consuming aloe vera juice before breakfast on an empty stomach is always better for better results.
The answer to the second part of the question is to have it just weekly, twice, or thrice, and not daily, as aloe vera in high doses can cause side effects or dangers to the human body.
Always make sure to consume tiny quantities of the drink or juice, as consuming a high amount is said to cause side effects.
This leaf should not be used with skin as aloe latex is poisonous and should not be consumed with skin. Always discard the skin as the yellow liquid that comes out of the skin is highly harmful and causes other health issues, which could be cancerous.
Yes, aloe vera is a miracle ingredient for hair and skin. Applying aloe vera gel on hair could prevent dandruff and make hair long, thick, shining, healthy, and lustrous.
Aloe Vera Juice Recipe
- 1 large aloe vera leaf (6-7 cubes of aloe vera)
- 1 cup water
Other ingredients required:
- ½ teaspoon lemon extract
- 1 tsp honey
Extracting of the gel from leaf:
- Take the leaf in your hand.
- Take a knife or a peeler and peel the leaf's skin from one end to the other.
- Remove the entire skin of the leaf from all the sides.
- The leftover white part is the actual flesh or gel that should be used.
- Cut the gel into small cubes with the help of a knife.
Making of the juice:
- Take a blending jar, and, add the gel cubes of aloe vera.
- Add some water and blend it for 4 to 5 minutes until there are no gel lumps.
- The juice should appear frothy without lumps.
- Pour the fresh juice into a glass.
- Add lemon extract, add honey, and stir well(optional).
- Consume the drink fresh and immediately.
- This drink should always be consumed fresh if it is homemade and never drunk after being stored for a long time unless it is a store-bought one with a packaged expiry date.
- Adding lemon and honey can help you lose weight, but adding these ingredients is optional and can be skipped if you choose to drink only plain aloe vera juice.
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