Beetroot juice or chukandar ka juice is a drink recipe freshly made out using beetroots. Drinks are a very healthy option to make the best use of vegetables and fruits. Beetroot is a dark purple colour round shaped vegetable and the round one is the root which is very sweet in taste.
Other healthy drinks or dessert drinks on the blog that should be definitely tried are watermelon juice, strawberry juice, pineapple juice etc...
I have decided to share this drink as beetroot has got lots of health benefits. Drinking beetroot juice regularly not only improves immunity levels but also helps in other health benefits.

- It reduces cholesterol levels.
- It is rich in fibre, minerals and vitamins and hence a very good option to include in healthy diet.
- It prevents constipation.
- It lowers blood pressure.
- It improves hemoglobin levels.
- It also helps prevent cancer.
- It improves blood flow in our body.
- Beetroot gives a good red color to hair as well if applied on hair mixed with henna.
There are many more health benefits apart from these which are mentioned above and it is also used in making many salad recipes.
Beetroot juice is as good as other drinks and including this vegetable in any form like beetroot paratha, beetroot chutney, beetroot halwa, beetroot juice is a very healthy option.
Just peeling it off and slicing them into round slices and munching on during leisure is the best option to have it in our routine lifestyle.
Using them in salads too is also another best solution to add it in our diet.
Making beetroot juice is not a hard work at all and it can easily be made with the help of blenders and mixers at home.
It does not need any juice extractor which are expensive to buy. Just making use of a grinder at home gives us a smooth and sweet beetroot juice.
I would suggest drinking this juice often since it works wonders for glowing skin, healthy hair and lots of medicinal benefits too.
Drinking chukandar ka juice regularly gives a lot of stamina and also helps to work out more if one is into regular exercising.
I would like to post more of beetroot recipes and since this is highly made after salads, I decided to make this drink and would be making salads too which make use of beetroots as I keep writing down various recipes.
Points to remember
- Making plain juice without adding any sugar or water is the best and healthy way to make the drink.
- I suggest not to add any sugar if one carefully keeps their weight in control.
- Some prefer to use additional spices and herbs to make this drink suitable for losing weight and for other health benefits.
- This juice can be consumed without straining too, however, it can be strained well in order to get a smooth texture.
I have made a very simple and plain drink which can be easily made and consumed without adding too many ingredients into the juice.
beetroot juice recipe, how to make beetroot juice | chukandar ka juice
- 2 beetroots medium size
- ½ teaspoon sugar
- 4-5 mint leaves/pudina
- 1 small piece of ginger
- Firstly, peel the beetroot completely, cut it into small pieces.
- Add the beetroot pieces into a blending jar.
- Add sugar, mint leaves and a piece of ginger.
- Add 1 cup water.
- Blend or grind it finely for few minutes.
- Take a strainer and strain the juice into glasses.
- Chukandar ka juice is ready to drink.
- Summers are the best time to enjoy this drink.
- Health-conscious ones should include this drink in their regular diet.
- If one is seriously considering losing weight then drinking these juices without adding sugar is the best way to keep weight gain in control.
- There is no need of adding more quantity of sugar into the juice since beetroot has got a high amount of sugar content in it.
- If its summer then, adding chilled water or ice cubes into the drink is a better option in summers. If opting for this juice in winter then, it is better to add normal water to this juice.
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